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2.3 Catalogamos (actividad individual)

Catalogamos (actividad individual)

OK guys, now it's getting interesting. As I said before, we're using Abies 2 in our EOI in Ávila. Now that I have had a taste of Abies Web I want to change the system in my school immediately. This was pretty GREAT. Especially the way you can import from Rebeca is Fastísimo. I used to try it sometimes in Abies 2, but you needed to take a lot of steps and here it's just a few clicks away. I imported using the Rebece website. I went HERE for instructions and then it was all very straightforward. 

I used the ISO 2709 option and not the ISBD or Etiquetado. I have no idea (yet) what the difference is and just chose one at random. As it worked fine I used it for my second item as well. So i imported two book from Rebeca:  and I went to the Rebeca page (I could NOT get to Rebeca from the ABIES page), followed the instructions and exported a book Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, retold by Florence Bell. I made 2 more copies of that as ordered, which is very easy with the + button
I used the ISO 2709 format and it seemed to work ok. I imported Bill Bryson's Una breve historia de casi todo. 

I am surprised how easy it is to import!
When I tried to import at the EOI Avila into ABIES 2 it was much more complicated

and it seemed easier and quicker to just fill in the information by hand. 

Of all the items that I created and imported I made copies and I changed the TIPO and the UBICACIÓN. So each book or DVD has two copies but they have a different UBICACION and a different TIPO. In other words, they are in different places and the loan detail s different. Some items cannot leave the Library, so they're called NO PRESTABLE. Making a copy of an item in the catalogue is very easy. There's a + sign next to the books. (See image).  Then you can see the 3 copies in the catalogue and you can also see the place and the type in the image below.

What I thought was more difficult was the CDU. I wanted to catalogue a DVD I put it under Video. Here I would expect Director or Productor y no Autor, so it is a bit more difficult to decide. Also NUMERO ASOCIADO is not clear to me what that is, so I write: NO IDEA WHAT THAT IS. I wanted to delete it or change it, but somehow the system would NOT let me.

Then I catalogued a DVD (The Dambusters) and made another 2 copies. Easy enough as I described above.

I created a CDU (What does that mean?) and wasn't able to DELETE it at all
It's called DVD DVD and it's not where I wanted it, so I need to investigat a little more, or preferably get some help!I created a new o

I also like the section where you can write a synopsis of the book, so I copied and pasted some info from Wikipedia into that box. This way the students can easily check the plot without having the book in their hands

Of course, feeding the information into the catalogue by hand is a lot of work compared to importing from Rebeca. You feel like an IDIOT when you have to type in all the detailed information when you know that it is already somewhere on the Internet. What esle can you do if your book is not in Rebeca? I have seen that there are other libraries and catalogues, but I haven't tried them yet. Here you can see all the info that wa imported together with Bryson's book. Imagine if you have to type that all in!

I have to say that I don¡t want to go back to ABIES2 in my school. I want to start using Abies Web and I don't know (I hope I will learn during this course) how to set it up in my school, if it is possible (of course it is) to import / export everything (Catalogue and Readers) from Abies2 to Abies Web.
I'm impatient!


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