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1.3 Recomendación de recursos para seleccionar los fondos

§ 1.3 Recomendación de recursos para seleccionar los fondos

1. With the Database of Abies2 we get little more than a list of titles and a genre division of fiction and science fiction if the teachers in charge of registering the works fill in these options. The main way of choosing for our students is judging the book by its cover and the blurb on the back. The graded readers that we have, especially for our students at A2-B1 levels, are divided between levels 1-6 according to their vocabulary count. But we don't have a descriptive catalogue like the one I saw under the Tools in acquisition and selection called Lupa del Cuento. I loved the layout and the summaries of the stories and I'm especially interested in the cross-reference section called Temática as shown below:

The layout of Lupa del Cuento is very attractive with the cover stamp, the coloured toolbars and the tasteful and alluring synopsis. I just read the one for the first book Bajo el mismo cielo (Under the same sky) and immediately felt like taking açout the book devour it (even if it is for little kids). Here I'm not sure if I am to mention the author of a single book or the search method that I am describing. Fot the letter I cannot find the information, so I'll just state the author of the book I mentioned (Author: Britta Teckentrup)

I wish I could have an Loupe of Fairytales for the EOI Ávila. However, creating one of those must be really time-consuming and probably stays in the realm of Library professionals. Keep on dreaming!

Here's the info I found on the creators of Lupa del Cuento:

"Lupadelcuento" es el fruto del trabajo de un equipo de profesionales comprometidos con la educación, la literatura infantil/juvenil y las bibliotecas escolares.Nuestras primeras andaduras comenzaron allá por el año 1987 con la creación "Doce-Documentos de Educación", en 1993 recibimos el "Premio Ibertex en el sector educativo" otorgado por la Fundación Telefónica.En el año 1999 creamos "Leer y Vivir: literatura infantil y juvenil" que se distribuía desde la plataforma "Educared" de la Fundación Telefónica.En el año 2015, con nuevas secciones, se transforma en " Lupadelcuento". Hemos participado en diversos congresos y cursos, publicado artículos en revistas, y colaborado a lo largo de estos años con diferentes programas del Ministerio de Educación.


2. In a similar vain I'm interested in cataloguing the DVDs that we have at school, mainly in the SpeakUp series. As with our books in the library, they appear in Abies without any kind of description or level assessment. So I'm interested in exploring the Filmoteca para Educación Primaria to see if for our material something similar could be devised. The system seems to have been set up by Javier Aisa, Andrea Aisa, Cristina García, Fernando Armendáriz y María Castejón and you can see the layout on the right.

If it were possible for the teachers to insert a synopsis of the films or a Rotten Tomatoes comment as in Wikipedia, this would make the choice for our students easeier.


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