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3.4 Generar conocimiento en red

Mensenbieb I suppose that the Library we have at the EOIs are not the typical Biblioteca Escolar. Our students are mainly adults and we're not really educating the way we try to educate younger people of which the encouragement to read forms a part. Of course we do try to get our students to read, but mainly with an eye on language acquisition. As we have seen in some other enties in this blog we have acitivities that might serve as an incentive to reading such as the BookClub and the Literary contests that we organise. Some of the things we have seen during this course are surely going to contribute to a more attractive access to our library and its resources. So, when we are showing the library to new students we will consider how to visualise these new aspects. For this last point (3.4 I remembered a special library in Amsterdam that I will try esplain in the following lines and that might give extra ideas to Readers of this Blog and users of Libraries that are not famil

3.5 Mi portfolio enriquecido

During this course (Bibliotecas Escolares y el uso de AbiesWeb) I stumbled upon this Online Cue prompter which might be an interesting option for students to read out texts and record themselves. With a bit of brainstorming I'm sure teachers will come up with creative ways of putting this application (until recently the monopoly of TV professionals) to good use. A fun way of making students aware of pronunciation, intonation and facial expression. With a little practice you can say things while it doesn't even look like you're reading! Ha Ha! These first words might be part of the script I'm using for this end-of-course video. I would continue like this: I suppose most of you already know of this tool, but perhaps you hadn't thought of using it for Reading purposes, so I'm going to use this prompter for my end-of-course video clip. I'll keep it short because I know you have to go through a lot of material. First of all my thanks to the makers of

3.3 Leer e investigar en entornos digitales

I liked the idea of the Booktrailer. I hadn't heard of it so I went HERE to find out about it. I have made quite a lot of video clips for my Troubadour Song & Patter shows for High Schools (IESs) in Spain . For this I often use Green Screen effects (Chroma keying) to insert objects or people into other videos and I thought the experience of this technique might be useful for the creation of a booktrailer. If the book has illustrations I might try putting myself on its pages and use the illustrations for some extra action, walk around some of them a bit, showing it to the viewer and, in a fun way, inviting them to open that particular book and read it.   Saturday 14 October 2017 at 10:34. I'm writing this text: When my son was around 10 we started buying a collection of books called Horrible Science, Horrible History and Horrible Geography. These are books designed with the intention to make the often tedious subjects at school more attractive to teen-aged students. I

3.2 Curación de contenido

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Library Content Curator (YFNLCC)   Content curation  is the process of gathering and filtering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest. Services or people that implement content curation are called curators. The concept is not new. Museums and galleries have curators to select items for collection and display. There are also curators in the world of media, for instance DJs of radio stations tasked with selecting songs to be played over the air. but perhaps the Internet with its vast offer of information has given rise to more specific curation methods that include Collaborative Filtering, Semantic Analysis and Social Rating. Librarians are also curators when they select the books they want to display or recommend. On a table in the library of the EOI Ávila we have a "book of the month" selection in the different languages. The Libraries already have a form of curation inherent to the library system. Books ar

3.1 Visualización de la Biblioteca

For this exercise I have used Google Slides because of its similarity with Powerpoint. I have made several interesting Powerpoint presentation over the past 10 years and my with that program might serve me to do a decent job with Google slides. This is actually my first intent to present something with this platform. I tried to include some of the elements we have been seeing during the course Bibliotecas Escolares y el uso de AbiesWeb. I'm quite satisfied with the new material I'm learning about. Google Slides is one of the programmes I've been waiting for to explore, because I have many occasions at school for which we are interested in publishing some kind of presentation or Slide show. I hope this Presentation is to your liking and that it meets the requirements of exercise 3.1


Agatha Christie read about 200 books every year, so she could be considered a superlectora . Theodore Roosevelt, the American President read at least a book every day and sometimes two or three. I had not heard about Badges (Insignias) as a kind of reward for students. The concept is new to me. First I didn't take it very seriously, especially in connection with reading: it seems to me that the reward for reading a book is... Reading the book! The pleasure we derive from this input of information and imagination is reward in itself. At any rate, I started checking out the badge-making sites and the first one our course recommended was MakeBadges . It's an easy little program and I created badges for the above-mentioned Superlectores. I saw that under Icon you can upload any image you like and it will appear inside the badge. You can even adjust the size of the image. Together with the old look of the photographs you immediately get a pretty cool badge! Then, of course, I consi

2.4 Gestiona los Lectores

Gestiona los lectores So, I met this groups of singer/songwriters and they all wanted to take out a book. I had to make them members first and screencapture the process. I thought maybe it was nice to have the students alphabetically interesting so I started with A for Adele B for Bruce  Springsteen C  for Cher          D  for David  Bowie E  for Ed  Sheeran        F  for Freddy Mercury        G  for George Michael                                    H for Hugh Laurie (apart from being House , he also sings and plays instruments) I wish I had time to do 26, but this is quite enough for our purpose. I saw that there's room for a picture in AbiesWeb (also in Abies2, by the way), so I asked for their photographs and they all made selfies! It's a nice bunch, what? The pictures aren't really important, I gues, but it makes the website so much more interesting, doesn't it? I thought that the process was really easy and straightforward. For the momen

2.3 Catalogamos (actividad individual)

Catalogamos (actividad individual) OK guys, now it's getting interesting. As I said before, we're using Abies 2 in our EOI in Ávila. Now that I have had a taste of Abies Web I want to change the system in my school immediately. This was pretty GREAT. Especially the way you can import from Rebeca is Fastísimo. I used to try it sometimes in Abies 2, but you needed to take a lot of steps and here it's just a few clicks away. I imported using the Rebece website. I went HERE for instructions and then it was all very straightforward.  I used the ISO 2709 option and not the ISBD or Etiquetado. I have no idea (yet) what the difference is and just chose one at random. As it worked fine I used it for my second item as well. So i imported two book from Rebeca:  and I went to the Rebeca page (I could NOT get to Rebeca from the ABIES page), followed the instructions and exported a book Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, retold by Florence Bell. I made 2 more copies of th

2.2 ¿Qué hay en la biblioteca de mi centro?

Qué hay en la biblioteca de mi centro? I think I mentioned before somewhere in this blog that we are using Abies2 as a management and cataloguing system. Our teachers dedicate some time (one or two hours a week) of their schedule to managing the library, lending out and retrieving material (mainly bookds and DVDs) and cataloguing new acquisitions. We print out the barcodes and put the stickers on the covers. For cataloguing I sometimes use the search engine and database Rebeca of the MECD, although I find it often easier to copy the details myself. None of my colleagues have seen much usefulness in Rebeca. We also have a volunteer working in the Library who does many of the tasks mentioned above. Our teachers cannot spend too much time in the library and never get an awful lot of practice in cataloguing. I mentioned in an earlier task that was called 1.3 Recomendación de recursos para seleccionar los fondos that I was impressed by the Lupa del Cuento because of its c


1. Infographic tool I had never heard of this thing so, again, I'm delighted to learn about this kind of stuff and assume that my colleagues and students will be too. If I can get to put it to good use in our library at the EOI Ávila, that is! I chose the first of the options in the instructions, so for my example I'm using Piktochart. I went throught the video and I liked the look of it and then I saw a template with a little pine tree. For the obvious reason that Abies has a little pine tree as a logo, I chose that template, even if the topic of the Template is something quite different. But let's see if I can get this thing to work.... By the way. In earlier Posts I had inserted some tif pictures that didn't look too good because their background wasn't invisible. Now I'm using png and it looks much cooler, you know So here's a link to my first Experience with Piktochart. I'm sure there's room for improvement. Also the Info is not at all valid

1.3 Recomendación de recursos para seleccionar los fondos

§ 1.3 Recomendación de recursos para seleccionar los fondos 1. With the Database of Abies2 we get little more than a list of titles and a genre division of fiction and science fiction if the teachers in charge of registering the works fill in these options. The main way of choosing for our students is judging the book by its cover and the blurb on the back. The graded readers that we have, especially for our students at A2-B1 levels, are divided between levels 1-6 according to their vocabulary count. But we don't have a descriptive catalogue like the one I saw under the Tools in acquisition and selection called  Lupa del Cuento . I loved the layout and the summaries of the stories and I'm especially interested in the cross-reference section called Temática as shown below: The layout of Lupa del Cuento is very attractive with the cover stamp, the coloured toolbars and the tasteful and alluring synopsis. I just read the one for the first book  Bajo el mismo cielo